Annual Budget Meeting Agenda
DATE: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 12:15 AM
Burton Congregational Church
Annual Meeting
February 2, 2020
ATTENDING: See sign-in sheet in file.
Leita Cirjak opened the meeting.
Pastor Bob led us in prayer.
Minutes: John Kessinger moved to approve the minutes for the December 1, 2019 Budget Meeting, Bobbi Durham 2nd and motion passed.
Annual Reports: Pat Pfouts moved to accept the Annual Reports, Lora Myers 2nd and motion passed.
Financial Reports: Dan Berman moved to approve the reports as written, Sean Thompson 2nd and motion passed.
Slate of Officers, Boards, Committees: Kathy Uncapher moved to approve the list, Gideon Johnson 2nd. There were several additions and two corrections: Moderator should be Leita Cirjak; additions: Jaime Berman to Education, Nancy Boyk to Memorial/Funeral Food, and Joann Podany to Bazaar; correction to Deacon term dates: should be 1st term: 1-31-2021 and 2nd 1-31-22. Motion passed with these changes.
Linda Baker asked about "REMIND" the notification system for the church. She offered to make up a form for people to use if they have a notification. Leita will put on "REMIND" the concert to be held at Lord of Life Church on Feb. 8th at 7:00 PM.
Andy Baker moved to adjourn the meeting, Roger Hanna 2nd and motion passed.
Pastor Bob led us in a closing prayer.
Respectively submitted,
Kay Palivec, Clerk