Pastor's Message
Greetings Everyone,
What’s new? Well obviously the year comes to mind as another new year begins. But is anything really new about it? After all, how many “new years” have we already seen come and go in each of our lives?
“Behold, I make all things new” we hear God say in Revelation 21:5. All things. That would include each one of us, as well as our church. Please note that in making all things new God does not say that all that is is no longer, but rather that all that is is made new in some way - given a face lift, given a new purpose and meaning, given new excitement and energy.
So what’s new with you? What is God making new in your life? What do you see God making new in the church? What is filling you anew with hope? What new thought is giving you new energy? What new thing is God doing that excites you? If you have an answer, let’s talk about it and follow it and see what God is doing. If you don’t have an answer, keep looking. God’s promise is at work making all things new.
One new thing will be your “Star-gift Word” for the year. As in the past they will be distributed in worship on the first Sunday of the year, January 6. You’ll remember that a Star-gift Word is nothing more than a star-shape cut out of paper with a word on it. It is the word that is the gift — an invitation to ponder the word and its relation and meaning in your life. It may be a word that you need in your life (time, hope, etc.) or it may be a word that you have in your life that you need to lose (bitterness, envy, etc.) or it may be a word that will leave you wondering why in the world you were given that particular word to ponder. Whatever your word, it will be a gift to you if you ponder it, pray over it, think about it, etc. Many of you found this to be true from last year, and commented through the year to me how meaningful, insightful and important this has become in helping to strengthen your relationship with God. I know that many wonderful and amazing insights that have become known in people’s lives have been tracked back to the “Star-gift Word” they received, often months (and in some cases years) before. (You may want to place this year’s word along side last year’s word, and ponder if there is something of wonder to behold by doing so.)
“Behold I make all things new.”
A blessed New Year to all.